Are you ready for Site Survey?

For many of us, 2021 is a time of three-year renewal of accreditation, and even though 2015 was years ago - and when the world was different - the ideas for site survey update continue as before.

During this pandemic year, many field service providers have decided on virtual research rather than individual field research.

If you select a virtual site survey, there are a couple of things you should be ready to provide:

• A steady internet connection

• An assigned PC (with this steady Internet access) where you can get to every one of the records and files you provide the site survey, including access to all staff documentation

• The GoToMeeting?, Zoom, or some other video chat program will encourage you to have it accessible once you acknowledge a virtual site survey with your certifying company.

• A mobile device or tablet with a camera that will allow you to for all intents and purposes show the handset around your office for live mobile views or take a site visit through your office showing the outside and inside, including where your records, your warehouses, and storages.

Site Survey Readiness and Basic Preparation

Things have changed since you previously got accredited, so you should be comfortable with the accreditation process and willing to show a three-year history, regardless of if it's something besides a virtual or face-to-face site survey also. Here are a few hints to start:

Site survey:

1. Survey your on-call and complaint site logs.

Site assessors often request that you sign in after your on-call if the need arises or hour and take a look at your complaint log for two reasons: to ensure you have everyone (this is a site necessity), and to search for issues or problems, particularly next ones. Complaints occur hours later. Read your logs as a site assessor, search for repeating issues or problems with a particular staff member. Signing in after your hours, ensuring that you have recorded the response time from receipt of the call, you are considered answerable for your policy needs to respond to a call within the predefined time. The same applies to your complaint log, which is also needed by the site survey checklist. Check your acknowledgment needs to ensure your logs show that you're responding to calls and complaints promptly after the needed time.

2. Deliver client records.

Guarantee that your data is simply available and complete, with all fundamental copies of the client's receipt of the service, for example, a site assessment report (or a copy of) provider standards, client's rights, and service provider obligations, benefits, guidelines for safe use of services offered, essential home security data and more. Check your accreditor's principles and use the survey checklists they provide to audit their list of field services you should have on record. See digital options to guarantee that forms are delivered time and simple to store.

3. Update your emergency response plan.

Have you changed or modified your emergency response plan this year? Has that changed since you have individuals who currently telecommute and are not, at this point in the workplace? Ensure it is forward-thinking and checked every year and reconsidered depending on the situation.

4. File your field operations to work on quality and performance.

Quit lingering and sit down and sum up all of your quality improvement activities. This is an area where field service providers don't stay aware of quarterly data. Ensure it is all around collected in one place (a specific cover works well) and is fit to be reviewed, regardless of whether personally or practically for each quarter of the last three years. This isn't expected to be a thorough list of preliminary exercises, yet just a brief reminder of some of the extraordinary subjects you need to focus on. You truly should be prepared for accreditation every day. However, we as a whole get ready when the re-accreditation cycle is approaching. The prerequisites of your accreditor need to be built into your day-by-day practices and as long as you stay aware of them, there needs to be no anger from daily field operations like clockwork. Ensure you are prepared as right on time as possible to give you and your associates sufficient time to get ready.

Start and prepare your site survey checklist today!

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Last-modified: 2021-07-13 (火) 00:32:40 (1010d)