John was 31 years old and had grown up in San Francisco. He was studying environmental studies and lived in Darlinghurst. He was attractive...dressed gay, sensititve and liked going to Stonewall. Everyone in my office wanted to know if he was gay or straight. We ended up inviting him to dinner and a movie to find out. He smelled like a gay boy, yet he talked like a straight boy. He spoke about his gay friends yet he was flirting with the girls….not even my gaydar was working! I finally had to interrogate John in the toilet. He turned out to be straight!

This Saturday another gay straight guy (Andrew) was confusing another girl friend. At Mardi Gras I saw two cute guys. I assumed they were a) gay and 2) a couple. It turns out one of the guys has actually been sorta dating my work colleague Jenny.

This straight gay guy has been sending mixed signals. Sure..they met online at RSVP but he shouts her dinners, they go on dates yet he has not made a move on her. Then he shows up on a Mardi Gras with a friend. Gay? Straight? Gay straight? Taken? Single? Maybe Jenny should take the is he gay test...

The gay straight guy is confusing and frustrating to both gay men and straight women. Is he…isn’t he? At least in both instances..someone will get lucky. With John it was my straight female work colleague. With Andrew…could it be me?? Enjoy the rainbow!

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Last-modified: 2021-06-10 (木) 23:35:07 (1043d)